如何利用 Midjourney 成为”摄影大师“ | AIGC 使用教程

教程文章1年前 (2023)更新 seying123
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该文章出自 Twitter 用户 @TheMouseCrypto,以及 Twitter 用户 @0xUnicorn 的翻译。



现在用 Midjourney 结合 ChatGPT 就能通过AIGC的方式做出比肩全球摄影大师照片效果,而仅仅需要 midjourney.comchat.openai.com 这两个账号和掌握一些使用技巧

Midjourney 该如何成为实现 摄影大师📸 的教程
感谢 @TheMouseCrypto 的撰写



在 Midjourney 中添加他们的名字将对生成的图像产生显著的效果

首先,我使用一个简单的提示生成了一系列4张图片: "A woman sitting on a park bench".

如何利用 Midjourney 成为”摄影大师“ | AIGC 使用教程

使用第一代图片的种子,我使用相同的提示并添加了一个著名摄影师的名字: 📷Annie Leibovitz

"A woman sitting on a park bench in the style of Annie Leibovitz".

如何利用 Midjourney 成为”摄影大师“ | AIGC 使用教程

当我对摄影有基本的了解时,我离专家还很远。所以,我请 ChatGPT 向我描述一张由 Annie Leibovitz 拍摄的女子坐在公园长椅上的照片可能是什么样子

→光线可能会非常戏剧性,光与影之间的对比强烈。 →The lighting would likely be dramatic, with strong contrasts between light and shadow.

如何利用 Midjourney 成为”摄影大师“ | AIGC 使用教程

→The woman may be wearing a stylish and unique outfit, possibly a tailored coat or trench coat.


→Her expression would likely be contemplative or reflective, with a hint of vulnerability.

→The woman may appear to be middle-aged or older.

→The colors in the image may be desaturated, with a focus on earth tones.

→The background would be carefully selected and may feature natural elements, such as trees or foliage.

→总的来说,这幅照片的深度、情感和艺术性充满了Annie Leibovitz的风格。
→Overall, the image would exude a sense of depth, emotion, and artistry, characteristic of Annie Leibovitz's style.


由于Annie Leibovitz尤其以她华丽的肖像照而著称,因此在提示中添加她的名字生成肖像可能会对结果产生更大的影响。

"A portrait photography of a woman".

从这个提示中,我得到了类似的随机结果,没有任何艺术视角。通过添加“以 Annie Leibovitz 的风格”,生成的图像自动融入了她的风格。



我对📷Edward Weston这位摄影师进行了类似的实验,他以拍摄出色的蘑菇照片而闻名。

提示 1: "A photograph of a mushroom"

提示 2: "A photograph of a mushroom in the style of Edward Weston"

提示 3: "A photograph of a mushroom in the style of Edward Weston taken in 1931"


"The image is characterized by its strong contrast between the dark background and the lighter tones of the toadstool, which makes the mushroom stand out and draws the viewer's attention. The lighting and tonal range in the photograph emphasize the texture and form of the toadstool, giving it an almost sculptural quality"





Richard Avedon
Annie Leibovitz
Yousuf Karsh
Platon Antoniou

Henri Cartier-Bresson
Garry Winogrand
Vivian Maier
Bruce Gilden

Ansel Adams
Galen Rowell
Sebastião Salgado
Peter Lik

Frans Lanting
Art Wolfe
Nick Brandt
Joel Sartore

Irving Penn
Richard Avedon
Helmut Newton
Mario Testino

Dorothea Lange
Walker Evans
Robert Capa
Steve McCurry

Julius Shulman
Ezra Stoller
Iwan Baan

Edward Weston
Paul Strand
Karl Blossfeldt
Laura Letinsky

Ansel Adams
Dorothea Lange
Sebastião Salgado
Sally Mann

Cindy Sherman
Jeff Wall
Andreas Gursky
Hiroshi Sugimoto

Neil Leifer
Walter Iooss Jr.
Annie Leibovitz
Elsa Garrison

Steve McCurry
David Alan Harvey
Michael Kenna
Jimmy Nelson

Harold Davis
Thomas Shahan
Levon Biss
Robert Thompson

David Doubilet
Ernst Haeckel
Brian Skerry
Anuar Patjane Floriuk

Jim Marshall
Lynn Goldsmith
Danny Clinch
Anton Corbijn

Edward Weston
Helmut Newton
Robert Mapplethorpe
Spencer Tunick

Man Ray
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Aaron Siskind
Wassily Kandinsky

Robert Capa
W. Eugene Smith
James Nachtwey
Don McCullin

Dan Rubin
Richard Koci Hernandez
Murad Osmann
Misho Baranovic

Adam Block
Jason Weingart
Brad Goldpaint

Donna Crous
Bea Lubas
David Loftus

📷Food Photography:
Donna Crous
Bea Lubas
David Loftus

Dirk Dallas
Gabriel Scanu
Maksim Tarasov

Carli Davidson
Elke Vogelsang
Seth Casteel

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